May 09, 2012

Everything always works out. end of story.

I am so very blessed, and sometimes I forget that. Sometimes when things don't work out quite as fast as I want them to, I get discouraged. Sometimes I feel lost in the dark and sometimes I feel like I have no idea where my life is going. I try to remember not to get discouraged because everything always works out as long as I am doing what is right. Mom always reminds me that Heavenly Father has a plan.


Just as I have those thoughts of discouragement, something wonderful happens! Just as I begin to worry & pray even harder, Heavenly Father blesses me. And I am thankful for that, with all my heart. 

I have been searching for a job since I got home from school last month, and nothing has seemed to work out. I finally decided to just teach piano again because that makes a whole lot more money that working minimum wage. Well, a few days after I decided to teach again, Sister Grant in my ward offered me a job at her dental office...WHICH IS PERFECT because I am going to school to become a dental hygienist. It's a two day a week job, so I can still teach piano too! I now have 13 piano students and a wonderful dental job. Can I get a hallelujah!

So, next time I get discouraged, I just need to remember all the many experiences I have had where Heavenly Father has blessed me and been by my side. He has a plan & I am ready for whatever he tosses my way.

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