February 24, 2013

Sisterly L-o-v-e

This is my sister Annie. I just really, really love her. She is just growing up too fast. I wish she would stay this age forever. 

**Annie is fashionable! She loves her colored pants--especially her mustard ones--and her leopard print cardigan.
**She loves creating things.
**She loves babies. We always joke that she will be the tiny lady who is always expecting and has 8 kids. She'll be that kind of mom who never stops, always busy!
**She loves all things Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, and One Direction.
**Annie is nice to everyone.
**She is very organized and loves to build forts in the house.
**She is a fast runner...track star right here.
**She is super patient, especially with our sis Hannah.
**She LOVES shopping, but can be brutally honest at times.
**She eats ice cream every single night. What a life!
**All the boys her in her 5th grade class have a crush on her, it's because she's so dang cute!
**She is super obedient & her testimony is growing.
**She's a little missionary and invites her nonmember friends to activity days.

It just breaks my heart thinking that I'll be away from my little sisters for 18 months. They are so young still and at their age, they remember very little. I often ask the question,"Will they remember me?" Will they remember the fun times when their older sister would take them swimming at the neighborhood pool or at a boy's house that I was crushing on. Will they remember the afternoons when we went to the mall and tried on funny glasses and clothes, or the long bike rides through the neighborhood. Will they remember the fun photo shoots or frozen yogurt runs or the crazy guys who come over to pick me up for dates. Will they remember me tucking them into bed, giving them a big hug, and telling them that I love them.

They may not remember all of those things, but they will remember their big sister, me.

I will be a better example to them by leaving and serving the Lord than staying at home.

The time left I have home will be filled with bikes rides, thrifting, games nights, movie nights, shopping days, and lots of ice cream. I love sisters.

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