October 23, 2012

Sexy Rexy

Dearest Rexburg,

After a long, hard week of taking tests and studying, I was able to come visit you in your fall glory. You hold a special place in my heart. As I drove into town, my heart swelled and was about to burst. You see, I had a flood of memories come to me. I saw the gorgeous temple that Em and I used to attend weekly. I saw my old apartment and my favorite hangout spot Kiwi Loco frozen yogurt. I saw the endless hills that I use to walk up everyday in the bitter wind. I saw the Hinckley building where I had my religion classes and the I-Center where we had devotionals every Tuesday. I saw the gym where Katie and I did our weekly cycling classes and where Emily and I babed out at boys pumping iron. Not to mention I saw the library where I spent endless hours studying for my Anatomy class. 

And Rexburg, you will always have my heart because you hold some of my favorite people who helped me create these memories. I will forever be grateful for the experiences that you gave me and for   the lessons that I learned. Thank you for all those good times. 

With Love,

(We don't see leaves like these in our Arizona desert!)

(My beautiful Rexburg temple)
(First semester roommates, minus Sarah at Kiwi Loco!)

<---- You see this apartment? This is the apartment where we invited cute boys are for potlucks dinners, where we danced in the kitchen while making homemade pizza, where we stayed up late doing a Richard Simmon's workout. We played games, made movies, had girls nights in our footie pajamas, had cereal parties, and witness some awkward dates. 

(Second semester roommates minus Holly and Dani)

I love you Rexburg, even for your down right cold weather, your endless 80 mph wind, and for your small town feeling. Until we meet again...

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