June 07, 2011

Summer days

I have spent my summer days teaching my cute 11 students piano, looking for a job, nannying, going to the gym, catching up with old friends, stocking BYU-Idaho's website, enjoying my last summer as a kid, oh and going to SINGLES WARD activities! WHAT?!? (I know it's weird for me too.)

A few days ago, a bunch of us went to the lake, which was super fun. We enjoyed lounging in the water, sand volleyball, playing guitar, snacking, and water frisbee. I lovin this new single life!

Parents have also been gone all week...so we party hard! Sunday night, the Coon kids went to the temple. We all pledged to one another that we would get married in the temple no matter what. Then we watched the Joseph Smith movie.

btw, James is taller than me...and stronger than me....so fun watching him grow.

1 comment:

Jill said...

You are awesome!! Let me say that again, You are awesome! I love you and think your life has some rich blessings coming your way.