Saturday was a blizzardy day is Rexburg. It was overcast, snowy, and windy all day long. Em and I went to the temple to do baptisms. (we LOVE having the temple just up the hill.) We bundled up in our warmest clothes. I wore my long tan skirt with long johns underneath and Em wore her flimsy Arizona skirt and tights. We were ready for a great temple trip.
The Rexburg temple is always packed. There's lots of time for scripture reading and just thinking. I looked up through the glass and saw that the guy baptizing was the really cute guy from my Book of Mormon class! I nudged Em and she agreed with me that he was very attractive. We were literally crossing our fingers and praying that he would still be in the font by the time we got there...and he was!
Everything went great. He baptized so gently. He even recognized me as the girl in his class. Once we were finished, we walked out of the temple right before him and his friends. It was all part of our plan to be faster at changing out than he was because maybe he could offer us a ride home. We did not want to walk home in the cold-with wet hair. Wet hair and Rexburg, Idaho is not a good combo.
As we step out of the temple, a HUGE gust of wind picked up Em's skirt and showed off her little spandex. The wind just wouldn't quit. It's seriously like a tornado! Meanwhile, the really cute Book of Mormon guy walks out with his friends and they see all the action. Em is screaming. I am laughing hysterically. In order to keep her skirt down, she sets her bag down & leans up against the temple wall in a squatted position. As she sets her bag down, gum wrappers, lipgloss, and trash fly out of her bag all over the temple grounds....and also one article of clothing. On the temple tree, in the big planter box, high off the ground is Emily's panties dangling on the branch. "Is that your underwear?!" I yell through my laughter. (Keep in mind that the really cute boy is watching all the action...) Needless to say, the cute boy's friend picks up her panties and brings it back to her. They walk away to their car. Through our tears of embarassment, we laughed uncontrollably.
Our plan to catch a ride home with the very cute Book of Mormon boy was a fail. We even chased them down in the temple parking lot holding up our hitchhikers thumb, but still no ride.
Moral of the story...don't ever trust Rexburg wind...and wear stiff skirts! ;P Just another embarassing moment for our journals...
We call this moment our "Not-so-Marilyn Monroe" moment.
(Definately NOT a Marilyn Monroe moment)
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